#IMMOOC 1. Est ad docendum , ad novationem

I’m guessing many of you may have become lost somewhere in the midst of my title. So, I best explain. The hashtag will be used for George Couros’ MOOC based on his exceptional text The Innovator’s Mindset. (Surely there’s nothing wrong with massaging the ego of the man who will be handing out prizes!) As for the Latin; I studied it at school and still use it in my daytime job as a teacher of Ancient Studies. (At night I’m a ninja; really!)

How Many Selfies Would Narcissus Take? Sourced from Pinterest; originally pinned by www.debbiecharles.com

How Many Selfies Would Narcissus Take?
Sourced from Pinterest; originally pinned by www.debbiecharles.com

Est ad docendum, ad novationem (if you believe Google Translate) means To teach is to innovate. I do know that the Latin word innovare had a distinctly different meaning; to renew, alter or make new again. We all think of innovation as something wholly new but surely in education the renewal idea is just as significant. When I started teaching in 1981 (yep, that long ago) innovation took the astonishing form of Post It Notes and the Commodore 64 computer … Sweet! Thirty years later the very first iPad was released and a teaching career that was close to ending was renewed. In the years since I’ve learned how and why to innovate. Yes, I’m often still teaching about Caesar, Alexander or the pyramids (nothing new there) but in new ways … the learning experiences I design aim to realise the “Mantra of the Innovative Educator.”

So, I must have acquired a whole lot of new skills. Yes, I’m now a Digital Learning Leader and I can “wield a mean iPad” but the true change has been in my mindset. As George says early in his text, it’s all about “ … a way of thinking that creates something new and better.” (p. 19) The mindset of the teacher is the most significant tool in any classroom. #IMMOOC starts this coming weekend so it’s not too late for you to register at immooc.org

6 thoughts on “#IMMOOC 1. Est ad docendum , ad novationem

  1. Simon…Thank you for sharing this post and doing that video. As you say, that change in mindset is what it is all about. As you exemplify, it is not only what you know, but what you create with what you know. Thank you for your leadership.

    • Hello George, glad you enjoyed the video … hopefully by now you have also watched the NKOTB/Back Street Boys mash up that I posted as an #IMMOOC soundtrack. I’m convinced that the “hinge factor” for me was the transition from skill set to Mindset. I had a tweet from Alice Keeler last week agreeing that we must “teach the future” and resist the temptation to “teach as we were taught.” Looking forward to the MOOC as we move forward. Enjoy your weekend.

  2. Why did I decide to click through and read this particular blog? Honestly, I selected this post as a challenge because I detest Latin-I thought to myself…I probably will not dig this blog. But, before reading through the blog I went to your About section to see what you shared about yourself. The first thing that caught my attention was that you were from Tasmania (I have had a weird obsession with Tasmania since I was a kid.) and I was intrigued how you got so turned on by the iPad. Anyways, I thought your cartoon was a hoot and I took a serious view of the Mantra and reflected on the parts I need to improve upon. I will return to read more of your blogs and steal some structural pieces of your blog layout. P.S. My ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) Facilitator says you can’t always trust Google Translate…but I use it anyway #rebel

    • Hey Shawn, thanks for the comment. It certainly is a long way from learning Latin in a classroom from a Christian Brother to learning online with a diverse international group. Please feel free to “steal” anything you want from my blog including the awesome Narcissus cartoon … I use Twitter and Instagram regularly in my Ancient Studies classes for student learning. I guess I just a strange mix of the ancient and the new lol

  3. Simon I can very much relate to your journey as an educator, I began mine two years before you! Yes, I remember the days of the Commodore 64 and the many iterations of devices we have gone through which forced us to become of an open mindset to be able to use new tools and approaches within our craft. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and I look forward to following more!

    • Hello Yvonne
      … and belated thanks for your comment. Every time I remember hand cranking a Roneo machine, I am overcome with “rapid ageing” lols
      I look forward to seeing your thoughts as the MOOC progresses.

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